The GOP’s Epic Senate Fail

WALL STREET JOURNAL Column:  …The liberal line this week is that the Senate meltdown is more proof that voters rejected the GOP agenda. Nonsense. One untold story of Tuesday night was the continued Republican success at the gubernatorial level, where they held every seat up for re-election, and won North Carolina. They now hold 30 states—the biggest majority for a party in 12 years.

The majority of these offices are held by reform Republicans who were elected on the pro-growth GOP platform on spending and taxes. Voters are clearly open to that message, if delivered competently. It is true that Mr. Obama’s superior turnout operation made things harder for Republicans in hard-fought states such as Ohio and Florida. But the GOP’s bigger problem was a failure of candidates. In 11 states, the Republican Senate candidate underperformed Mr. Romney.

Mr. Cornyn’s ultimate replacement at the head of the NRSC might consider this recent history, and whether there isn’t some way for the committee and the grass roots to work together toward top-notch nominees. With the recent influx of talented young reformers, this should be a time of opportunity, not failure. … (more) 

EDITOR:  Yes, we read the Wall Street Journal and we also read the equally conservative  NewsMax.  We report from both.
