The euro as we know it cannot continue, and we can’t ignore this terrible reality a moment longer

From the DAILY MAIL:

…The euro has always been an anti-democratic project. Now, with these elections, the people of two member countries have spoken definitively against the privations being imposed on them to sustain it….

In their contempt for democracy, the EU’s leaders – and, indeed, the International Monetary Fund in Washington, run by former French finance minister Christine Lagarde – have simply disregarded these feelings. If they continue to force austerity down the throats of crippled European economies, they will have revolution on their hands.

… Analysts at Citigroup say Greece now has a 75 per cent chance of leaving the euro in 18 months. Greece’s ten-year bond yields – the interest rate its government pays to borrow over that length of time – reached a staggering 23 per cent…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: It is surprising to find this exceptionally erudite  and perceptive article on the Eurozone crisis in a British tabloid rather than the Financial Times or Wall Street Journal.   Perhaps those pillars of finance fear explicitly pointing out ‘the emperor is wearing no clothes.’
