The bottom line when picking a university: ‘No debt for our daughter or for us’

WASHINGTON POST Column: …If your child doesn’t go to his or her top college choice because of the money and gets an attitude about it, does this mean the second choice is wrong?

No. As her parents, we have the experience to know that college is what she makes of it, no matter where she attends.

In a few weeks, my daughter will finish her freshman year. The validation that my husband and I were right on the money came when someone, knowing her struggle with her college choice a year ago, asked her how she likes the University of Maryland.

Without hesitation, she said, “I love it!”… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Amen! Now let us make sure that the available jobs really and truly require a college degree. Many employers with jobs to offer don’t care what degree was conferred, a sure sign that your actual advanced educational skills are not applicable to the job. Similar techniques were used to keep minorities out of many positions even after the birth of the civil rights movement. The only thing that really matters is ongoing performance on the job.

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