The battle to define Charles and David Koch


When it comes to the suddenly infamous Koch brothers, there’s one thing the conservative Weekly Standard and liberal filmmaker Robert Greenwald can agree on: The Kochs, Charles and David, have been a boon to the American political left…

Virtually unknown as recently as 2009, the Kochs have become political household names, following in the footsteps of other wealthy bankers and industrialists such as the 19th century Robber Barons – the Fricks, Harrimans and Rockefellers – who have been targets of progressives and reformers. But the new prominence of the Kochs is a case study in the kinds of 21st century big-money branding battles that underlie many Washington political and policy fights. It features one side using all the means of modern political communications to put a face on its opponents – and the other side furiously fighting back using its own techniques.

The Kochs – each of whom is worth a reported $21.5 billion as a result of their stakes in Koch Industries, the family owned oil, chemical and consumer products business – have been donating millions of dollars to small-government conservative causes and candidates for decades…

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