INDIANA PENNSYLVANIA TRIBUNE DEMOCRAT Editorial: The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation says that more than 1.5 million licensed drivers in the commonwealth are age 65 or older – meaning senior citizens make up about 17 percent of the state’s driving population…
There are plenty of senior citizens who are still quite capable, both mentally and physically, to drive on a regular basis. Testing older drivers when they renew their license would only confirm this fact, leading to more peace of mind for older drivers and their loved ones. And the testing would be even more important for those who no longer possess the skills necessary to operate a potentially deadly piece of equipment.
Such a driver might not realize that his or her skills have deteriorated to the point where getting behind the wheel is putting lives in danger… (more)
EDITOR: We volunteer to be the first to take the same driving exam as is required for acquiring a license. We recommend testing every five years from 70 years on up. There is no question that ability to drive diminishes with old age. Some …an eventually almost all of us …should not be behind the wheel.
I don’t see how a drivers road test could be adequate to test for the conditions cited in the article. I see nothing wrong with a physical, given by a medical professional. Maybe a video game like system that can measure reaction time and cognitive skills accurately. Perhaps a restricted license could be issued for those not capable of driving at night.