Tell your lawmakers not to fall for the false hope of Internet gambling

HARRISBURG PATRIOT NEWS OP-ED: …Back when our commonwealth was considering inviting casinos to operate here, my organization, the Pennsylvania Family Institute, argued that a result of casino gambling would be 300,000 gambling addicts. Of course, many of our leaders scoffed at what appeared to them a ridiculous prediction.

Today, according to the National Council on Problem Gambling, there are 280,000 gambling addicts in Pennsylvania.

The evidence of the dangers of institutionalizing and “legitimizing” gambling is right there for all to see. 280,000 addicts. Bankruptcies. Divorces. Prison sentences… (more)

EDITOR: Internet gambling intrudes into the home, enticing the vulnerable and addicted to spend money they and their families cannot afford. Have we as a society no sense of shame?
