Tea Party’s heyday may be coming to an end, say political experts


…Two national polls released this month by CNN and The New York Times in conjunction with CBS News showed the Tea Party’s unfavorable rating at an all-time high.

Political scientists say the data shows a backlash of independent voters against conservative lawmakers who have taken a hard line against bipartisan compromise in Washington.

The CNN poll showed the Tea Party’s favorable/unfavorable rating grew from 37 percent in October of 2010 to 51 percent in August 2011…

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  1. And yet, Ron Paul came in 2nd in the Iowa Straw Poll only 200 votes behind the winner. Mass media is losing it’s grip on directing the script of American society as we are turning in greater numbers to alternative media for our news. Programming the masses is quickly coming to an abrupt halt dear readers. We need a new vision and a visionary to hold the Oval Office. Ron Paul stands for limited government, fiscal accountability, personal liberties and much, much more. Research for yourselves ~ think for your selves.

  2. FINALLY!!!!!!! It’s about time!

    The question is, how long will it take this country to recover from the damage that has been done by the Tea Party?

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