Tax exempt properties

Gee, how can we remove some more tax base from Lancaster?  Oh yea, maybe push for a Federal District Courthouse in Lancaster.  That should do some more to push more taxes onto those poor souls who are not yet exempt.

Also, has anyone gone through the exercise of calculating how much tax money would be generated if the land being “given” to F & M and LGH were developed privately and paid the full tax rate on it that a private party would have to pay?


1 Comment

  1. Despite “giving away” the former Armstrong properties which will become tax exempt, the mayor cries the blues about all the tax exempt properties in the city. Doesn’t he remember exempting the hotel/convention center that he also gave tax exemptions to? No how about all the “beatification” projects around the convention center. Couldn’t these funds have been better used to repair some of the crumbling infrastructure? All we hear are cries of declining resources.

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