Talk of intellectual arrogance

 Historian Gary Wills told Charlie Rose (and thus the rest of the world) how he was one of about a dozen biographers of presidents who met with President Barack Obama which was to be the first of a series of off the record meetings during Obama’s  tenure in office.

Wills indicated disappointment in Obama because he was too accommodating to Republicans, despite their obdurate resistance to compromise.    He said the Health Care Bill would end up costing more money, not saving money, and blamed Obama for not insisting on a Public Option which would have engendered competition and resulted in great efficiencies.

Wills complained that whatever they pointed out to Obama, he indicated that he already knew, and referred to the President as being “intellectually arrogant.”

Perhaps had the historians understood that they were talking with  one of the most intelligent and knowledgeable presidents in our nation’s history, not his predecessor, and instead of lecturing him like a college boy had asked him how he intended to deal with the complicated problems he faced, they would have learned something.

There is a difference between reading and writing books and navigating in a political environment, recognizing what would be best and doing the best that can be done.

Wills indicated the historians have not been invited back.   Sound like a good thing.  And by the way, who was the one  being “intellectual arrogant?”
