Take the 2011 Pledge: End the Bullshit

By Charlie Crystle

This is the start of my New Year’s post, coming later this week. If you don’t like foul language like bullshit, you might want to stop reading here.

And as usual, there are no hidden messages. It’s meant for all of us, but especially myself.

This year’s pledge?

End the bullshit.

Yours. Mine. The country’s. Our companies’, communities’…everyone’s. Cut out the bullshit. Start with that.

Adopt reality-based approaches. Stop the feel-good. Get down to the basics. When you cut out the bullshit–and as you think of your own life, job, or situation, you start to know what I mean–you get down to the real stuff.

Hard stuff, easy stuff, whatever. The real stuff.

Click here to read the full letter.
