Take a Note: Typing With No Hands

Check this out from the 4/11/12 Walt Mossberg “Personal Technology” article: “Take a Note: Typing With No Hands”

The voice feature on the iPhone, to me, is huge since I cannot presently write while driving a car, at least safely, and thoughts often leave me if I wait too long to record them in writing.

“I am writing this paragraph on an iPhone. But I am not typing it on the phone’s virtual keyboard. I am dictating it using a little known feature that allows you to employ your voice instead of your fingers wherever text entry is possible on the device.”

….”the column (dictated versus one which was keyboarded)..required far fewer corrections than you might think, given the bad reputation for accuracy that voice input on digital devices has acquired. I only had to add a comma I’d forgotten to specify in the first paragraph and capitalize the work “Android” in the second.”
