Take a closer look at Rob McCord’s supposedly disadvantaged childhood

PENNLIVE LETTERS: …It’s true Rob’s mother, Dr. Joan McCord, divorced Rob’s biological father when Rob was 4. But he is concealing that his mother (a college professor) remarried to Dr. Carl Silver when Rob was still a child of 10. Carl Silver was more than a “stepfather” to Rob. In fact, he loved and raised Rob as a son.

Fast forward to 2014 and McCord has conveniently redacted his Dad from his bio in order to fashion a political persona he deems more likely to win votes. Rob neither mentions or even acknowledges the profound contribution his Dad made on more than half his childhood. In T.V. commercials and his website, McCord pumps up the “single mom” angle, ostensibly to gain “cred” with the many voters that truly overcome the odds.

Is McCord being technically accurate saying he was raised by a single mom? Perhaps, for some period of time. Is he being forthright and telling it like it is? Not even close… (more)

EDITOR: The letter was submitted to McCord’s step brother.
