Supreme Court turns down assault weapons cases

USA TODAY: Fresh off the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, the Supreme Court refused Monday to hear a challenge to assault weapons bans passed in Connecticut and New York after the Newtown elementary school massacre of 2012.

The challenges were denied, as expected, without comment from the court. Just last December — five days after a terrorist attack killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif. — the justices had refused to hear a challenge to a Chicago suburb’s ban on such semi-automatic weapons…

Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a similar ban in New York that created a registry of existing assault weapons in the state, banned their future sale, and blocked the sale of high-capacity magazines… (more)


EDITOR:  Now that it is clear that the Constitution does not protect assault weapons, what is Pennsylvania and all of the others states waiting for?   If Texas wants to be a hold out and possibly suffer the consequences, that is their right.  But sale of such guns and ammunitions and as well as ownership should be illegal with stiff penalties.


