Support grows in Vermont for an end-of-life bill

USA TODAY:  …Although assisted dying is illegal in most states and opponents have been fighting proposals for the past 15 years, support is growing in Vermont and other parts of the Northeast. Connecticut and New Jersey legislators are also examining measures.

“It makes ultimate sense to people who have lived their lives in an independent way and don’t want to be reduced to an infantile existence and having other people make decisions for them,” Dick Walters says. “It’s taken us a long time, but we think Vermont will do this now.”

Vermont would be the first state to pass a doctor-assisted-death bill through the legislative process. Oregon and Washington voters passed similar bills in voter referendums. Massachusetts voters defeated a measure, 51% to 49%, in November…   (more)

EDITOR:  With proper safeguards, the day may come when voluntary euthanasia will not only be legal but considered laudable for the elderly and terminally ill.
