A political cartoon in the middle of the June 15 Column-Letters page showed a jet liner entitled “Gitmo Lawsuits” about to collide with the Statue of Liberty, entitled “Homeland Security.”

WATCHDOG: Portraying the Statue of Liberty as representing “Homeland Security” seems contradictory. And likening Gitmo Lawsuits to a terrorist attack even more so.

The Supreme Court upheld the Constitution last week by ruling that all persons in areas controlled by the USA are entitled to “Habeas Corpus”, the right to be heard by a judge.

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, commented before a gathering of Constitutional scholars that the right to go before a judge was so ingrained that it was disgraceful that the vote wasn’t 9 – 0 instead of 5 – 4. And Senator Arlen Specter (R – PA), Vice – Chair, would likely agree.

Updated: May 12, 2009 — 1:05 pm