The editorial “Truck Stop” comments When the U. S. House voted last month to extend unemployment benefits for 13 weeks in states with a jobless rate of at last 8.5 percent—Pennsylvania is one of those—only one representative from the state voted no. That would be our own Congressman Joe Pitts, R-16th District…The message to all of you scanning the want-ads for non-existent jobs: Let them eat cake.”

WATCHDOG: As unusual as it is for us to defend Joe Pitts, we are aware that our sister companies in apartment complex and hotel management have encountered much greater difficulties in attracting qualified applicants for well paying jobs than in past years. Is it possible that many able individuals are seizing on the opportunity given them by being laid off to take a hiatus from work and enjoy family life at the expense of the tax payers?

Updated: October 18, 2009 — 12:36 pm