In his column of May 3, Editor Marv Adams rhetorically asks “Why must I sign my name?” to Letters to the Editor  and responds “Why not?  If you have something to say, stand behind it.”

WATCHDOG:  Sure Marv, and be out of a job on Monday and treated as though you have Swine Flu by everyone you know thereafter? There are reasons to require letters to be signed to encourage truth and fairness and to avoid newspaper liability, but not Marv’s flippant response.

At NewsLanc, we allow anonymity (staff members usually don’t even know) but are scrupulous in monitoring content for fairness. Of course, the standards are more lax both legally and ethically for criticism of public figures, those who choose to be in the public arena. NewsLanc serves the public, not our advertisers nor our or our cronies’ financial interests.

Updated: May 4, 2009 — 10:10 am

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for calling out this clown. Many are quite tired of his constant talking-down to LNP’s readership.

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