Its editorial of May 3 states: “Lawmakers had virtually no chance to read the monstrosity…before voting on it.”

WATCHDOG: Is the reference to the one sided contracts between the Convention Center Authority and Penn Square Partners whereby the Authority gave away half of the proceeds from its naming rights to the Sunday News’ publisher and partner Dale High, gives High an opportunity to put his name on the Convention Center without normal competition, and turns over lucrative concessions (and perhaps even casino rights) to Penn Square Partner and ultimately High at a bargain rate? The minority Authority board members begged for an opportunity to study the contracts delivered at the last minute but approval was rammed through by then chair Ted Darcus and the Board’s other city appointed members.

Sorry. All that has gone unmentioned by the newspapers to this day. The Sunday News is referring to Act 71, the 2004 law that legalized slot machines.

What was okay for the “virtuous” Lancaster Newspapers to do is not okay for sordid gambling interests.

But how do we to tell the difference between the two?

Updated: May 4, 2009 — 10:12 am