A Feb. 22 article “Empty store fronts a sign of the times” paints a relatively optimistic future for “anchored malls” despite momentary vacancies generated by bankruptcies of the parent companies of Circuit City and Linen N Things.

WATCHDOG: Not mentioned in the article is the gigantic Park City that forty years ago replaced downtown Lancaster as the central shopping area for our region. Shoppers report there is little sign of a growth of vacancies. But at least two additional regional shopping centers are in the approval stage.

Because of the size and scope of Park City, too much new competition over the next years could create a tipping point where suddenly an exodus of stores begins. A wounded Park City would present as great an urban redevelopment problem for the City and County as has downtown Lancaster over past decades.

The Watchdog recommends that municipalities think of the consequences to the region when they contemplate re-zoning large tracts to commercial. Sooner or later too many small wounds will prove lethal.

Updated: May 6, 2009 — 2:14 pm