Their Dec. 21st editorial “Gift exchange” states “Earlier this month, the commissioners learned that an unexpected reimbursement of farmland preservation funds from the state, for two farms the county had already paid to put on the preservation rolls, would add almost $1.08 million to the general fund. It would be fitting, and a good Christmas gift, if the commissioners could give a little of that to the library system.”

WATCHDOG: At last week’s Commissioners Meeting, our reporter posed the question of using the funds to replace budget cuts across the board. He was told the $1.08 million was for reimbursements of prior county outlays that enable the county to carry forward un-utilized current State grant money for farm conservation purposes into 2009.

It is good to both attend meetings and to seek clarifications! We cannot recall a representative of the Lancaster Newspapers asking a question at a public meeting. NewsLanc does so all the time, which results in more informative and provocative reporting.

Updated: May 7, 2009 — 2:42 pm