The extensive Sport Section article “McCaskey’s challenge” strongly implies that the reason that McCaskey’s sports team are not competitive is because the student body is 78% Hispanic and African Americans, who in large part suffer from academic and home problems that prevent them from making the teams or performing well. “It’s not to be critical of urban districts or anybody. It’s just the way it is.” – Pete Horn.

WATCHDOG: NewsLanc intends to perform some research before responding at length to these contentions. But we pose two questions:

What are the racial backgrounds of players on football and basketball teams of top colleges and the pros? Do those Hispanic and African Americans players spring from predominantly White suburban school systems?

The Sunday News article failed to mention how the the recently replaced Athletic Director failed to prepare and submit the required detailed annual reports on the performance of each team and plans for the following year. And the assistant superintendant to whom he reported didn’t even notice or apparently care!

Nor did it opine on quality of the coaching.

Updated: May 8, 2009 — 3:36 pm