In his column “Fallacies fuel pipeline debate”, Associate Editor Gil Smarts conjectures:

Last month, The Associated Press reported that America’s top export in 2011 wasn’t cars or food or technology, it was fuel — gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. From the article: “Experts say the trend helps explain why U.S. motorists are paying more for gasoline. The more fuel that’s sent overseas, the less of a supply cushion there is at home.

“So if the pipeline were built, Canadian oil would still go to Asia, if Asia’s the highest bidder. So tell me again how the pipeline would increase our national security?”

WATCHDOG:  An additional source of crude oil would enable our refineries to provide more refined fuel for national use in a serious shortage.   The domestic market would benefit from the savings in shipping cost.  Moreover, in a national emergency, the government could restrict oil exports. 

The pipeline issue is a tough call.  President Obama may have made a serious political blunder by ‘kicking the can down the road’ with a ‘wink and a nod’ about re-application with a final decision being made after the 2012 election.  (Two cliché’s in a row!)

Updated: January 22, 2012 — 9:03 am