In “Not raising enough Cain”, Associate Editor Gil Smart writes:

“Did Cain do something wrong? Who knows? …  In any event, when this story inspires more ink than Cain’s “9-9-9” plan — which would basically give more money to rich people in the desperate hope they’ll create jobs rather than forking it all over to hedge funds — it’s a sad but typical, and telling, commentary on our politics. And our country as a whole.

“As the nation has argued over the Occupy Wall Street protests, conservatives have tried to claim the demonstrations are driven by envy. The people camping out in America’s cities — in Lancaster, next to the police station — are jealous of Wall Street and want a bigger chunk of what the rich have earned. Through their own hard work and acumen, of course.

“But that’s not what OWS is about. To the extent it’s protesting capitalism, its beef is with crony capitalism. It’s not that Wall Street made money — it’s how that money was made.” …   (more)

WATCHDOG: Three wags of the tail!  Smart hits the nail on the head.  A brilliant column.

Updated: November 6, 2011 — 10:36 am

1 Comment

  1. The love affair with ‘Not So” Smart continues.

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