In his column “Losing faith in government”, Associate Editor Gil Smart writes:

“…The wealthiest 1 percent now rake in 25 percent of the nation’s income every year. They control 40 percent of the nation’s wealth. And our laws are written, our government run, to preserve and perpetuate this. President Obama has been talking about raising taxes on the fortunate, but that’s just campaign rhetoric. As he waggles a finger at the rich, he uses his other hand to collect large campaign contributions from Wall Street. So who’s he serving?…

“I don’t know how we fix this, and I don’t know that we will fix it. For corporations are people too, the Supreme Court tells us; ever more money can be poured into politics, and that’s bound to warp politics and government even further.

“I think more and more people realize this, though I wouldn’t give credit to the GOP for that. It’s not that government is incapable, as conservatives would have it. It’s that a government ultimately becomes slave to those who are willing to write the biggest check.”

WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail!  It is the recognition of how the American government and way of life has been subverted that is starting to  bring the youth of our nation into the streets!

Updated: October 2, 2011 — 9:57 am

1 Comment

  1. Yes, a good column but not without some bitter irony.

    From the Gil Smart Column ” If only a noble, selfless leader, a modern-day Andrew Jackson would emerge. Good luck. His opponents would get all the campaign cash and crush him like a bug. Hell, after the negative ad blitz, you’d vote against him”.

    Does Gil not remember what his newspapers did to Molly Henderson?

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