In a column “Cheering for barbarism”, Gil Smart observes:

Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul — whom I respect for his stance against our insane wars in the Mideast — what should happen if a healthy 30-year-old who chose not to buy insurance wound up in a coma and needed treatment at a hospital. Paul went on about how people make choices and must live with the consequences of those choices. The crowd cheered, as it would.

“Then Blitzer asked, “Should we just let him die?” Astonishingly, several members of the audience started yelling out: “Yeah!” “Yaaaay.”

EDITOR:  Paul went on to explain that charitable organizations would provide aid in such a situation, as was his experience when he was a young doctor.  He may be unrealistic, but he was not advocating allowing patients to die.  Like Smart, we surmise that some members of the audience would.

Updated: September 18, 2011 — 6:36 am