In his column Inequality is the point”, Gil Smart shares a reader’s question: ’Schools are a reflection of society. Have we become so self-centered that we really don’t care about other people who may not have it as good as we do?’

“Absolutely.  This is key to understanding not just education “reform” in Pennsylvania, but to the broader national zeitgeist.”

Later he observes:  “If private schools are to get tax dollars, they must play by the same rules. For if we exempt private schools while still requiring public schools to operate under the mandates even as we defund the system, we explicitly create a two-tiered system of education. And the voucher plan, then, is inherently inequitable; the playing field is unlevel by design.”

WATCHDOG: Well said.   Two wags of the tail

Updated: June 12, 2011 — 11:25 am