In his column “The myths we tell ourselves”, Gil Smart comments:  “…we marched [into Iraq] full of our own moral rectitude and firm in our belief that the grateful natives would throw flowers.  Instead they planted IEDs, and we confused, then angry.  What was wrong?”…

“Last week President Obama justified our intervention in Libya by acknowledging that while we can’t stop all evil all the time ‘Americans are advocates for global freedom.’….Who are these rebels we’re supporting with our airstrikes?  What exactly do they want?”


“W” erred by marching into Iraq.  But his bigger mistake was not limiting the mission to the outing of Saddam Hussein and his minions, making a deal with the army heads, and then withdrawing within a few months.  The operation Iraq would have been perceived the same as operation Desert Storm.

President Barack Obama seeks one stated goal and implies a second:  The cessation of attacks by the government on the Libyan people and a negotiated deal for the replacement of Moammar Gadhafi and presumably his family members by the current leadership.  He has expressed no interest in the rebels taking over the country.  How often does he have to say it?

It is important to discern between bull headed folly and altruistic wisdom.

Updated: April 3, 2011 — 7:47 am

1 Comment

  1. Speaking of bull headed folly………….
    How’s that Convention Center working out?
    How much have PSP lined their pocketbooks off the backs of Lancaster city / county taxpayers?
    When is anything going to be done about the deplorable situations/management (loosely used term) at the Lancaster County jail?
    When are Lancaster City detectives actually going to solve a crime?

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