The editorial on July 13 is headed “Hospital, bill thyself. With huge surpluses, and opulent quarters, it’s plan that LGH and Hershey Medical can do better for the Plain and others who can’t pay their bills.”

Although the willingness to criticize Lancaster General Hospital, a member of the Big Five, deserves commendation, the editorial misses the entire point by suggesting that LGH act more charitably towards the Amish. The uninsured pay half again as much for their services as the rest of us who are insured.

In response to NewsLanc’s question, LGH reports that the average of the “charges” paid by insurance companies and Medicare amounts to about 50%. The Amish are being required to pay at least 75%. That suggests LGH’s profit margin must by eight to ten tims greater for the uninsured than for the insured.

The Amish are being ripped off! And so are we when we pay our co-pay portions.

So who is giving charity to whom?

Updated: May 12, 2009 — 10:49 am