“In contest of will, $1.2 million to library; Retired Judge Bucher loses challenge involving late son. Appeal is filed” continues:

“As far as Steven Blair is concerned, his brother-in-law was suffering from ‘insane delusions.’ But last month a judge disagreed, awarding the $1.2 million estate of Blair’s brother-in-law, Thomas Bucher, to the Lancaster County Library…”

“On March 1, 2003, Thomas Bucher told his father and sisters that there was ‘something wrong’ with his aunt’s estate, and that he believed his family was engaged in a conspiracy against him. According to depositions in the case, Judge Bucher said, ‘Well, if I’m part of this conspiracy, you better stay away from me’; Thomas Bucher’s sister, Anne Owen, recalled in her deposition that ‘dad lost his temper and said, well, you’re not in the family anymore.’”

WATCHDOG: There is a story from Jewish tradition of a father saying of a prodigal son:  “Tell him to come as far he can, and I’ll meet him there.”   Whatever their motivations in sustaining the legal action, the Bucher family will not be able to meet Thomas in Court.

Updated: July 4, 2010 — 7:36 am