Editor Marv Adams column “Pitching forgiveness” asks “How can we divide ourselves so deeply over politics that you wonder if there’s any possible way to dig ourselves out of the hate?” and “We profess to be a forgiving people, but seldom are.”


A wag of the tail.   It should be noted that, by publishing Letters to the Editor critical of his performance, Adam’s puts in practice what he preaches.

Nevertheless, while it is appropriate to “forgive” thoughtless drivers and other petty offenses,  to merit forgiveness for major offenses against society, an apology is in required  followed by doing better in the future.

According to Adams, Detroit Tigers pitcher Armanod Galarraga, deprived of credit for a perfect game,  deserves praise for not damning the umpire “to everlasting baseball shame.” But, as Adams points out, equally praiseworthy was Umpire Jim Joyce tearfully acknowledging his mistake.

Perhaps when the Molly Henderson litigation is over, the publishers of the Lancaster Newspapers will finally print a “mea culpa” editorial of apology for their coverage of both the convention center project and the findings of the grand jury investigation.    In our opinion, they have already met half of the criteria for forgiveness by doing better.

Updated: June 13, 2010 — 12:01 pm

1 Comment

  1. Forgiveness is possible when the struggle has ended and all parties agree the struggle is not worth the cost. We are not there yet.

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