A letter writer says “Although I have an engineering degree and significant post-graduate credits, I recognize that many people surrounding me are my intellectual superiors. ..What I do object to and will consistently oppose is one or many of them making decisions for me that they decide are right because they are ‘smarter’ than I am. That is exactly the attitude of our leaders in the federal government.”

WATCHDOG: According to anecdotal reports, the writer typifies a Tea Party member…  Somewhat  above average income, somewhat above average education,  angry at the government.

We wonder:  Does the gentleman resent his physician, his minister, his auto mechanic?

To “recognize that many…are my intellectual superiors” and then to proclaim “I do object to and consistently oppose is one or many of them making decisions for me because they are ‘smarter’ than I am” comes across as a contradiction, in other words, an oxymoron.

Why does he think that his specialization in the field of engineering makes him knowledgeable in history, political science and politics?

Of course, citizens should seek to develop their own expertise through serious study of various aspects of the issues in question.  Of course they should share their views.   But if they don’t have the ability, time or inclination to do so, they should at least show some humility concerning those who have.

We hope his doctor, minister and auto mechanic are ‘smarter’ than he is in their fields of expertise.  We suspect the officials he decries know more also.

Updated: April 18, 2010 — 10:29 am

1 Comment

  1. I read your response to a letter writer and had to respond to your response:

    Oh please! Because someone is smarter does NOT give anyone the right to make decisions for me. I am very certain that the dog hires lawyers, accountants etc with professional training exceeding his own YET makes his own decisions after listening to the experts.

    Why is this so? Does the dog disregard that expertise and experience dispensed in advise? To the contrary, those experts do NOT have to live or deal with the consequences of the decision. It’s for that reason alone that we make choices for ourselves and should NOT have the government telling us what to do!

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