In a three inch article on June 22 headed “F&M Drops Charges”, the paper states “Harper was cited with trespassing based on an order banning him from college property” and “Harper … is still banned from college property.”

WATCHDOG: Wrong on both accounts!

“Order” from whom? It was not a court order but simply a college-authored “Defiant Trespass” notice that, given the circumstances of its issuance, is unlikely to be worth the paper it is printed on.

“Banned from college property?” Hardly. Harper can come and go to events open to the public, use pathways normally traveled by the public, and patronize facilities such as restaurants and shops that the college operates or has leased to others.

See “F&M wrong re Defiant Trespass” posted June 17th.

Updated: May 12, 2009 — 11:37 am