Study: Well fees still aren’t enough

PITTSBURGH POST GAZETTE:  Plugging an abandoned Marcellus Shale gas well in Pennsylvania could cost $100,000 or more, and well bonding changes proposed by the Corbett administration could stick taxpayers with almost all of that bill, according to a study from Carnegie Mellon University.

The CMU study found that the new Marcellus gas well bonding fees, recommended by Mr. Corbett’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission and now under consideration in the Republican-controlled Legislature, would require drilling companies to cover only a fraction of the costs of plugging and decommissioning old, nonproducing and abandoned gas wells.

The proposed new bonding requirements, while higher than those now in place, would eventually have dire economic and environmental consequences for the state, similar to those caused by the inadequate bonds required of the early coal, oil and shallow gas industries, the study said. It will appear in the journal Environmental Science & Technology and has been published online…  (more)
