Study: Pot use higher in Colorado

USA TODAY: …The Denver Post reports the study by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health found about 1 out of 8 Colorado residents older than 12 had used marijuana in the past month. Only Rhode Island topped Colorado in the percentage of residents who reported using pot as often, according to the study.

The study averaged state-specific data over two-year periods. It found that, for the 2011-2012 period, 10.4% of Colorado residents 12 and older said they had used pot in the month before being surveyed. That number jumped to 12.7% in the 2012-2013 data. That means about 530,000 people in Colorado use marijuana at least once a month, according to the results.

Nationally, about 7.4% of people 12 and older reported monthly marijuana use. That’s an increase of about 4%…

EDITOR: To be more meaningful, one must also determine whether the use of the far more dangerous alcohol went up, stayed the same, or, as we suspect, dropped.
