Study: Education liberalizes religious views


…For each additional year of education beyond seventh grade, Americans are:

•15% more likely to have attended religious services in the past week.

•14% more likely to say they believe in a “higher power” than in a personal God. “More than 90% believe in some sort of divinity,” Schwadel says.

•13% more likely to switch to a mainline Protestant denomination that is “less strict, less likely to impose rules of behavior on your daily life” than their childhood religion.

•13% less likely to say the Bible is the “actual word of God.” The educated, like most folks in general, tend to say the Bible is the “inspired word” of God, Schwadel says…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Studies have shown that even most of the highest educated people frequent houses of religion.  However, what differents them is how they perceive the concept of ‘God’.   Also, cross denominational liberals and fundamentalists (orthodox) in ways  have more in common in their views than those within the same faith.
