Struggles With Face Blindness

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Watchdog also suffers from prosopagnosia.

From AOL:

Imagine going to the airport to meet your boyfriend, spotting him in the crowd, running up to him, throwing your arms around him and then realizing he’s not your boyfriend at all but a complete stranger. And doing it right in front of your boyfriend who is only steps away. It happened to author Heather Sellers, and at the time, she was mortified. In her new book “You Don’t Look Like Anyone I Know” Sellers says, “I was embarrassed he had seen me hugging another man.”

But this was not the first time Sellers had mistaken a stranger for someone she knew or failed to recognize her own mother on the street. For years, she had had trouble remembering faces, but she never knew why until she was finally diagnosed with prosopagnosia, a rare neurological condition also known as “face blindness.”

Those who suffer from face blindness have a clear sense of sight. They just don’t have the ability to recognize faces. “Unable to distinguish humans by face, I rely on hair style, body type, clothing, context, voice and gait to make good guesses,” Sellers explains on her website…

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