Streetcars, casino and cronyism

The streetcar exists solely for the Convention Center/soon to be gaming table hotel. I believe it will run from the Casino to the train station out McGovern Avenue down Prince to a left on Vine. up Queen and ending at the Casino.

Could it be that  Stone Consulting gave the real picture of a $400,000 yearly loss in their streetcar feasibility study?

What will the future hold for city dwellers as the price to maintain such a system grows and grows for one reason or another and becomes another leach on our pocketbooks?  I don’t at all see the need or benefit of such a stupid, idiotic proposal…

I believe Gray should be run out of town on a rail along with his Press Room cronies.  We as city taxpayers, beleaguered by poor budgeting which resulted in any city service which could be raised, being raised, and valuable public services eliminated or cut to where they can no longer [function], putting more and more stress on the citizens of Lancaster City.

We need a vote on the changes made to the city which impact the city residents, financial and quality of life issues…
