Still more Harrisburg Authority debt discovered

The debt includes $60 million in bonds issued by the Harrisburg Authority to finance the construction of the university’s 16-story building on Market Street.

Dauphin County guaranteed that debt, agreeing to pay $1.5 million should the university default on its bond payments.

According to the most recent loan agreement, the university has “defaulted” on a $1 million loan from the county.

See:  Harrisburg University president says resignation not about finances

HARRISBURG PATGRIOT-NEWS: …That debt includes $60 million in bonds issued by the Harrisburg Authority to finance the construction of the university’s 16-story building on Market Street.

Dauphin County guaranteed that debt, agreeing to pay $1.5 million should the university default on its bond payments.

According to the most recent loan agreement, the university has “defaulted” on a $1 million loan from the county…
