State Supreme Court has been downsized. Could effect election

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS Editorial:  COULD THE possibly illegal actions of one person 10 years ago have an impact on how many people get to vote in November’s election?

Such is the most dramatic reading of a scenario that is unfolding over the next few weeks, as suspended Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin stands trial on seven counts of misusing her professional staff for her political campaigns in 2003 and 2009. Also this week, a lower court is expected to decide on a controversial voter-ID bill.

How are the two connected? Both sides arguing on the voter-ID case have vowed to appeal to the Supreme Court whatever decision Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson makes. Melvin’s trial and suspension means that there is an empty seat on the Supreme Court, which could deadlock the court in a 3-3 decision. (In that case, the lower- court ruling stands. )…  (more)

 EDITOR:  Judge Melvin is a Republican

