State should follow Obama’s lead in limiting federal pay

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE:  In announcing a two-year pay freeze for federal employees this week, President Barack Obama directly engaged a subject that has become an obsession of right-wing commentators, one that doubtless strikes a chord with ordinary Americans who feel that the pay and benefits of public servants gives them a privileged position in economic hard times…

While the pay freeze won’t succeed if it is meant as an act of currying political favor — conservative pundits seem incapable of giving this president credit — it does send a clear message to the nation. When it comes to reducing the federal deficit, we are all in it together and leadership starts at the top in Washington, D.C…

What is good for Washington is also good for Harrisburg. State Auditor General Jack Wagner this week proposed that the Legislature should revoke the 1.7 percent cost-of-living increases for lawmakers, judges, Cabinet members and other state officials. Withdrawing the raises, which took effect Wednesday, would save the state $2.7 million next year, according to Mr. Wagner…  (more)
