State judicial pay soars; top jurist says courts underfunded



PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW:   Despite complaints of inadequate funding, the Pennsylvania judiciary’s payroll increased almost 20 percent, from $159 million to $190.4 million, during the past six years, a Tribune-Review analysis of payroll records found.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille, whose $195,138 annual pay is third highest among state chief justices nationwide, recently warned the Legislature that the state might be “headed toward a crisis” because of years of underfunding the courts.

Castille projects a $47 million deficit for the courts in the 2011-12 budget, and he wants the Legislature to approve a 25 percent funding increase. His request was made as lawmakers grapple with a $4.2 billion deficit. Gov. Tom Corbett suggested a 50 percent funding cut for state-related universities and cutting aid for school districts… (more)
