State budget: Governor Corbett must realize some cuts go too far?

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Editorial: … On one side, Gov. Tom Corbett argues that Pennsylvania should budget conservatively because we must be mindful of the financial burdens on the horizon — the public pension obligations and unemployment compensation debts, to name a few.

But there is another side to the sustainability debate: Pennsylvania also needs a budget that meets the basic needs of its citizens, especially children and the most vulnerable….

It’s worth saying again that the Legislature also could generate revenue by enacting a tax on smokeless tobacco products (Pennsylvania is the only state without such a tax) and closing the so-called “Delaware Loophole” that allows businesses to skirt many of the state’s taxes….  (more)

EDITOR:  Not to mention the need for a tax on Marcellus Shale gas extraction that would allay much of the financial problems.  PA is the only state not to implement such a tax.  However, Tom Corbett collected over a million dollars from that source for his campaign for governor.  He isn’t about to let them down.


