“Starve the beast” meant to bankrupt government

I get a kick out of how Republicans, who strongly supported George W. Bush for eight years can attempt to make their own errors go away by simply repudiating Bush. This goes for all the Republican supported unfunded spending (huge) on top of tax cuts (huge), following of the conservative Republican principle to “starve the beast” of government, i.e. to “bankrupt” the government to force the issue of huge spending cuts which would lead o smaller government etc etc. Congratulations, but, as Sarah would say “How’s that working fer ya”?

And who proposed the 700 billion (plus!) bank bailout? Who, supported deregulation and the “cure all” of dogmatic “free market” magic? Democrats?

Certainly there was Democratic support but that does not mitigate one iota against almost universal Republican support. You can try to escape responsibility by the nonsense of the “new” Tea Party Republicans but where were they during the eight years of the Bush administration?

In light of the unbelievable failure that Republicans cannot seem to face, they double down on the same ridiculous arguments that got us here in the first place.

We have a problem and it needs to be fixed! Failed ideological principles, mantras, slogans, noise, money, power, influence, talking points, religion, pundits, demagogues, social agendas, will not solve the problem, but that is all we hear. Hey, there is an election coming up in less than two years, solutions will have to wait until after that or maybe the mid-term elections after that.

I do, really do, blame Republicans more than Democrats because that is where, I believe, the bulk of the responsibility for our current predicament lies. But I would strongly support any Republican in a heartbeat who offered non-parroted, real solutions to serious solve-able problems.

It may also be true, but I hope it is not, that real solutions are beyond our capability, because we are not in charge of our own destiny. That is the most frightening possibility. The US is simply another country to our own plutocratic leaders who have embraced a global economy where they and their wealth are instantly mobile but our factories and our jobs are not.
