Stanley McChrystal Mentioned as Possible Shinseki Replacement

NEWSMAX: Other names listed by The Hill for Obama to consider are:

• Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., who is a member of the Armed Services Committee. He is a graduate of West Point, served as an Army ranger, and if vacated his seat would safely remain Democratic. Michael Tanner, of the libertarian Cato Institute said, “I think Reed would get quite a lot of bipartisan support. He’s very popular among his colleagues.”

• Retired Army Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the former vice chief for the Army. He has been involved in advocating for veterans mental health as director at One Mind, said Alex Nicholson, the legislative director at Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. He described Chiarelli as “a forward thinker.”

• Retired Admiral Michael Mullen, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Observers of the veterans scene say Mullen has the contacts and background to reform the department… (more)
