Spend the surplus: How can Republicans let Pennsylvanians suffer?


…House Republican caucus spokesman Steve Miskin said, “We can’t fall back into the old habits of spending just because we have the money.”

If you can’t spend when you do have money, Mr. Miskin, when do you spend — when you don’t have money?

When Gov. Tom Corbett unveiled his $27.3 billion budget in March, he acknowledged it was a tough response to a steep deficit, about $4 billion, projected for 2011-12. Since he had promised not to raise taxes, he called for deep slashes in spending: $500 million less for basic education, a $110 million reduction for Pitt, a $182 million cut for Penn State, 54 percent less for the 14 state-owned universities. He allowed adultBasic, which helped the working poor afford health insurance, to expire, saying it lacked a funding solution…

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1 Comment

  1. How can Republicans let Pennsylvanians suffer? This is all a part of their plan to disassemble government intervention in our lives. Some truly believe that it is NOT the government’s job to provide public education, regulate industry, care for the environment, or help those who through no fault of their own can no longer take care of themselves. This isn’t about money; this is about basic social change, turning our country from “for the people” into “each for themselves”. In other words, LET THEM DIE.

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