Special interest groups in Pennsylvania funding ads targeting state Supreme Court candidates

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: It was nice while it lasted, the time when state Supreme Court candidates merely advertised themselves. But now outside money is wading in, starting with negative TV ads targeting Republicans seeking the court’s three open seats.

According to “Pennsylvanians for Judicial Reform,” Adams County President Judge Michael George “routinely handed out lenient sentences” and has “fail[ed] to protect women and children.” Superior Court Judge Judith Olson, meanwhile, is “out of touch” and backed by “the most anti-choice groups in the state.” Commonwealth Court Judge Anne Covey is accused of having “filed improper information on campaign-finance forms,” and falsely claiming authorship of “numerous” legal articles…

Ads like these serve no purpose other than to discourage voters from seriously evaluating judicial candidates by using scare tactics,” said Lynn A. Marks, executive director of Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts… (more)
