I am on the streets everyday and hear story after story from those that need help but cannot get it for numerous reasons yet their friends or people in the next apartment get a piece of every program out there.  CAP is good and CAP is wasteful BUT the State sets up the guidelines that creates the waste.  We have a society of millions on DISABILITY that are healthy and work under the table.  …  Two doors down lives a man and woman and four children getting help from every program down the pike, including their church, they drive a nice vehicle and wear nice clothes, have cell phones and a computer, smoke like crazy and just sit at home.  Both adults do not work anymore as they both have been injured on the job.  SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT HERE!

…I would clean house.  DEMAND that each and every person that gets a check or assistance be thoroughly investigated without notice.  They are living with benefits on our tax dollars and not being held accountable.  Agencies in GENERAL need to evaluate each and every person getting help.  We are going back to the times when generation after generation depend on public charity.  The majority of immigrants of late are not as our grandparents and great-grandparents were.  They are coming here for meal tick and the people that sincerely need the help are not getting it…
