Solar Breaks Out of Niche to Match Apple’s iPad-Fueled Growth

BLOOMBERG:  Solar-panel installations may rise by more than 50 percent this year, matching Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s 2010 sales increase after launching the iPad, as the technology emerges as a mainstream consumer product.

Builders may add as much as 28 gigawatts of new generating capacity, the equivalent of about 25 new nuclear reactors, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The London-based analysis company raised the top of its forecast range to 28 gigawatts from 21.5 gigawatts in January. About 18.5 gigawatts were installed last year.

Power users in the sunniest parts of California, Italy and Turkey for the first time can generate solar electricity for about the same rate utilities charge for conventional power, New Energy Finance Chief Solar Analyst Jenny Chase said. Panel makers including China’s JA Solar Holdings Co. and First Solar Inc. (FSLR) of the U.S. more than doubled global manufacturing capacity in 2010, helping drive down prices for homes and companies…  (more)
