Socialist François Hollande takes French presidency

FINANCIAL TIMES:  François Hollande grabbed victory in the French presidential election on Sunday, defeating Nicolas Sarkozy who became the latest victim of an anti-incumbent backlash that has felled leaders across the eurozone.

Mr Hollande, a 57-year old former socialist party leader who has never held ministerial office, took around 52 per cent of the vote in the run-off against Mr Sarkozy, the centre-right incumbent, according to exit polls. The first official projection put the figure closer, at just under 51 per cent…

Mr Hollande will become the first socialist to occupy the Elysée palace for 17 years, tilting the political balance in Europe back towards the centre-left…  (more)

EDITOR:  The backlash against EU austerity programs to try to salvage the Euro zone is beginning to manifest itself.   Greece will likely be next. 
