Social Security a Ponzi scheme

Re: “Rubio to Newsmax: Determined to Fix ‘Broken’ Immigration System”

The editorial comment implies a “Ponzi scheme” situation.

The ratio of employees to those drawing benefits is now less than 3:1. This means a large increase in workers (tens of millions) will be needed to fund promised benefits doing jobs that for the most part are low paying further adding to the “tens of millions” number. It is not sustainable.

The only alternatives are SS tax increases and means testing. The socialist gravy train is not sustainable as we have seen in the poorer countries of Europe.

EDITOR: Good points. But more young people would sure help pay benefits over the next few decades.


1 Comment

  1. Perhaps if the government repaid the trillions of dollars that it “borrowed” from the social security trust fund with the accrued interest, the fund would probably remain solvent for untold years to come.

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